Painkillers For The Cat – What To Look For

If your velvet paw suffers from pain, you help it with a painkiller for the cat to the relief. Here you have a wide selection of drugs to choose from. Differences exist in the application, availability and cost. Some medications require a prescription.

Pain In The Cat – Not Always Immediately Recognizable

Cats are true experts at hiding when they are in pain. After all, in the wild, any sign of weakness is a disadvantage. However, if you know what to look for, you’ll be able to tell very quickly when your pet isn’t feeling well, despite this behavior. Signs of pain are, for example, changes in behavior and increased sleeping. Also, if the cat eats less than usual, chews on one side or even refuses food altogether, this is often an unmistakable sign that it is in physical discomfort. A further indication can be if she reacts aggressively and bites or scratches as soon as you try to touch her. Pay attention to which parts of your pet’s body are particularly sensitive. Lack of grooming or unusual behavior when going to the toilet are further clues.

When Should Painkillers Be Administered To The Cat?

Before you administer medication to your cat, you should first try to find out the cause of its discomfort. These can be varied and range from kidney problems to ear and tooth pain to broken bones. Only when it is clear where the reasons for the complaints lie, you should treat your animal specifically with painkillers. In most cases, a visit to the veterinarian is absolutely necessary. He knows about symptoms and typical clinical pictures and is an expert for questions about the health and care of your cat. The exception can be at most chronic diseases, where complaints occur in episodes and whose treatment plan has already been discussed with the veterinarian in the past.

What Types Of Painkillers Are There For The Cat?

Pain-relieving drugs for cats are available as weak, medium and strong. In addition, there are two relevant categories to consider when administering painkillers for the cat:

  • Opioids: these are very strong pain relievers for the cat. They include, for example, tramadol, buprenorphine or fentanyl.
  • NSAID: The so-called non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs have an anti-inflammatory effect. However, they are not steroids such as cortisone and have a weaker effect than opioids. These drugs include meloxicam, metacam, or carprofen. Increased doses of this drug usually do not lead to improved effect, but only to increased side effects

Painkillers From The Pharmacy

Light and over-the-counter painkillers for your cat can be obtained relatively easily at the pharmacy. However, they usually have only a weak effect and are only advisable for mild pain. The dosage form of the painkillers is different and includes various variants:

  • Tablets.
  • Juices.
  • Drops.
  • Powder.
  • Ampoules.

Here it also depends on what your cat accepts and how you best administer the remedy. The easiest way is to mix the painkiller into the food. Some cats even allow you to give drops directly into her mouth via a pipette. The correct dosage is also important for freely available remedies. Read the package insert carefully and consult the pharmacist and your veterinarian.

Painkillers From The Vet

If a medium or strong medication is required to provide your pet with relief, they are always prescribed by the veterinarian. Prescription painkillers for cats have proven especially effective for musculoskeletal pain. Depending on the strength of the medication, it may be necessary to have the veterinarian administer it themselves on an outpatient basis, for example via a syringe. There are also painkillers in veterinary medicine that fall under the Narcotics Act. If the administration of such a drug is necessary, the animal must even stay in a veterinary clinic and be observed for a certain period of time.

Painkillers From Human Medicine – Is It Useful?

Painkillers for humans are taboo in most cases when treating cats. Some drugs from human medicine are even toxic for cats. This is especially true for paracetamol, ibuprofen, aspirin or dicolfenac. In some rare cases Novalgin can be administered – but this is mandatory only in close consultation with the veterinarian. In general, however, you should avoid human medicines in the treatment of your cat and rather use special preparations for animals.

Homeopathic And Alternative Painkillers For Cats

In addition to general medications, there are a number of alternative therapies and remedies with which you can offer your cat relief from pain. For example, treatment methods such as acupressure or acupuncture, massages or pain plasters achieve good results. In addition, cooling or heat wraps, splints and support bandages can help. For gentle therapy of the musculoskeletal system, treatments by animal physiotherapists are an option, and laser, radiation, magnetic field or shock wave therapies are other complementary methods for pain relief.

Homeopathic remedies are available not only for humans, but also for animals. The most common remedies include Globuli, Zeel and Traumeel. They are available over-the-counter at pharmacies and are good to stock up on. to administer when needed. Also increasingly popular in the gentle treatment of pain in animals are CBD products. As painkillers for cats, they are used, for example, to reduce inflammation. They have a decramping and relaxing effect, which is why they are suitable as a treatment method not only for physical, but also for psychological suffering. CBD oils have, for example, been able to achieve good results with particularly anxious animals.

FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions About Painkillers For Cats

Which Painkillers Are Suitable For Cats?

The choice of painkillers for your cat is wide. When deciding on the medication, it depends on the application and the degree of pain. For pain relief, for example, fentanyl or tramadol can be considered. Pain after surgery, as well as orthopedic diseases and osteoporosis, can be treated with drugs containing the active ingredient meloxicam. There are also homeopathic and herbal remedies that have a pain-relieving effect.

How Can I Tell If My Cat Is In Pain?

As a predator, the cat usually does not let itself notice the pain. Here it depends on a good perception. If it behaves unfamiliar and the sleeping or eating rhythm is changed, these are unmistakable signs of discomfort.

Where Can I Get Good Painkillers For My Cat?

If you need medication to treat your cat’s pain, the vet is your first port of call. He can prescribe painkillers for the cat or administer them himself. In addition, you can get over-the-counter remedies at the pharmacy, which you can administer for mild pain. You can also get homeopathic medications from a veterinary practitioner, and to purchase CBD medications, you can either use the drugstore or special online stores.

How Do I Administer Painkillers To The Cat?

Giving a medicine to your four-legged friend is not so easy. With a few tricks, you still have a good chance to give your cat a painkiller, and without much stress for humans and animals. It is important that you remain relaxed at all times – this will be transferred to the cat. An unobtrusive method is to mix the painkiller in with the cat’s food or wrap it in a treat. It should be noted whether the medication is compatible with the food. Information about this can be obtained from the veterinarian. It may be necessary to crush the tablet with a teaspoon or a small knife. If the cat refuses to accept the prepared food, you must administer the medication directly. This is done either gently and carefully by pushing the mouth apart and placing the tablet inside, or by using a tablet dispenser. This contains an applicator with a soft tip, which you push between the teeth. The tablet dispenser can also be used for liquid medications.

What Diseases Need To Be Treated With Painkillers For Cats?

The number of diseases for which cats need to be treated with medication is large. Typical applications include musculoskeletal problems, toothache and periodontitis, kidney ailments and stomach problems, or post-operative pain, such as after neutering or dental work. Medications are also used to reduce fever.

How Should I Dose The Painkiller For The Cat?

The correct dosage of the medication depends on several factors. These include the degree of pain or the type of disease, but also the age and weight of the animal and whether a disease is acute or chronic. You should follow the advice of your veterinarian and the instructions on the package insert. Tablets may have to be crushed, this can be done with a knife or a tablet divider.

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