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Dog Has Blood In The Stool: These Are The Reasons For It

If your dog is defecating with traces of blood, the blood in the stool can have various causes. In any case, you should consult a veterinarian as soon as possible. However, you can inform yourself in advance about the possible causes here. Because not every blood in the stool indicates a first disease.

Black Or Red Blood In Dog Feces

As a rule, there are two types of appearance of blood in the stool: either it is red or black. The color of the blood in the dog feces can give you a first clue as to the cause of the bleeding. Red and bright red blood indicate fresh blood and means that the trigger is in the rear intestinal tract. Only in very rare cases, when the blood is not digested due to infectious diseases, the fresh blood may also originate from the anterior gastrointestinal tract. In any case, the red blood may appear in small streaks or completely stain a diarrhea red.

If the blood in the stool is black blood, the color indicates that the blood has already been digested. Therefore, you are guaranteed to find the cause in the front part of the digestive system. However, if your dog had constipation, the blood can also come from the back part of the digestive tract. This is because the blood turns black due to the clotting that can occur as a result of delayed bowel movements.

Your Dog Has Blood In The Stool – These Are The Possible Causes

If your dog has blood in the stool, it can have many reasons. Some of them are harmless, others are serious. In any case, you should have the cause clarified by a veterinarian.


These are small parasites in the intestines that are not visible to the naked eye. Symptoms of giardia include bloody, mucousy diarrhea, along with several others.


Also, parasites in the intestines are worms, which cause weight loss and anemia in dogs. They are often manifested by blood in the stool.

Intestinal Inflammations

Inflammations of the intestines are relatively common in dogs. They are often manifested by blood in the stool and should also be medically clarified.

Diseases Of The Gastrointestinal Tract

If your dog has blood in the stool, many other diseases can be behind it. Only a veterinarian can determine what these are.

Burst Veins In The Intestine

If your dog suffers from constipation, this can lead to burst veins. This can cause small amounts of red blood to be added to the hard stool.

Inflamed Anal Gland

If the anal gland is inflamed, this can cause problems with defecation. Blood in the stool is the result.

Tumors And Ulcers

If there are ulcers or tumors in your dog’s gastrointestinal tract, this can also be manifested by blood in the feces.


If your dog eats a certain poison, for example, rat poison, this usually leads to internal bleeding, which can be seen in the stool.

Internal Injuries

If your dog has eaten a lot of bones, so-called bone feces will develop. This is because the splinters of the bones can cause small injuries in the intestine. Bleeding is the result, which is noticeable in the dog’s stool.

External Bleeding

Very rarely, the dog may bleed from a nosebleed or injury to the mouth and swallow the blood. This can cause the blood to enter your four-legged friend’s stool.

Accompanying Symptoms In A Dog With Blood In The Stool

In addition to the color of the blood in the stool, you can also guess from the accompanying symptoms where the cause lies. Because in addition to blood in the stool, the dog usually has other health problems, which are manifested by the following symptoms:

Dog Has Blood In The Stool – Clarify The Cause At The Veterinarian

If you notice blood in the stool in your four-legged friend, it is advisable to see a vet as soon as possible. Because blood in the stool is not always harmless. In some cases, blood in the feces can indicate a life-threatening situation, especially if the dog loses a lot of blood. A reliable diagnosis can only be made by a medical professional.

For this, the veterinarian will first examine the dog in general as well as perform blood tests. The dog’s previous medical history is also important. Once the result of the blood test is available, the veterinarian can perform more detailed examinations.

If the blood in the stool is fresh red blood, he will perform a rectal examination. An examination of the anal gland is also scheduled. Using an ultrasound machine, the veterinarian can determine if there are any tumors in the gastrointestinal tract. Be sure to bring a fecal sample to the veterinarian as well. This will help him determine if parasites are the reason for the bleeding in the stool. If despite all the tests, no cause for the blood in the stool can be determined, the veterinarian can still perform a biopsy and endoscopy.

Treatment For The Dog With Blood In The Stool

Of course, the treatment method depends on the exact cause of the blood in the stool. You can find possible treatment methods based on the causes here:

Inflammation Of The Anal Gland

Flushing the anal sac and prescribing an antibiotic and ointment.

Intestinal Parasites

Worming and changing to more compatible dog food.

Severe Blood Loss

Blood and fluid transfusions and possible surgical intervention

Prognosis For The Dog With Blood In The Feces

Depending on the cause of the blood in the feces, the chances and prognosis for recovery are quite different. In the dog with blood in the stool, the cause may be a relatively harmless one that is easily treated. Due to serious diseases that can be behind the blood in the stool, it is especially important to go to the vet as soon as possible. The sooner serious diseases are discovered in the dog, the better the chances of recovery. If you do not take any countermeasures, blood in the stool can be fatal in the worst case. That is why it is so important to have blood in the stool always medically clarified. Whether it is an intestinal parasite, an inflammation, an injury in the intestine, or a tumor, only a veterinarian can make the correct diagnosis and arrange the necessary treatment. And if the bleeding is only a harmless cause, you can go home with your four-legged friend from the vet and be happy that he will soon be completely healthy again.

FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

What Does It Mean When My Dog Has Blood In The Stool?

Blood in the stool of a dog always has something threatening. However, there does not necessarily have to be the first disease behind it. If it is black blood, it is already older and the cause can be found in the front part of the intestine. Red blood, on the other hand, is fresh and indicates the cause in the rear section of the intestine. Constipation in dogs is very rarely the cause of blood in the stool. Bright blood can be a sign of parvoviruses (dog disease). This is a highly contagious infectious disease. Other reasons your dog may have blood in the stool include worm infestation, intestinal inflammation, giardia, gastrointestinal disease, anal gland inflammation, bone feces, poisoning, tumors, and ulcers. You should definitely take your dog to the vet.

What Should A Healthy Dog Feces Look Like?

Ideally, your dog should have feces that are firm, without crumbling, and slightly moist. The color of the feces should be brown to dark brown.

What Does Black Feces In Dogs Mean?

Black feces in dogs usually indicates bleeding in the upper intestinal tract. The feces turn black because the blood has already been digested by the time the feces come out. However, certain medications, such as iron supplements and activated charcoal, can also be responsible for the change in fecal color. If your dog has not taken any preparations and the dog feces turns black, you should quickly take your dog to the vet.

How Often Does A Healthy Dog Poop?

There is no general answer to this question. The frequency of defecation depends on the breed of the dog, age, size, housing conditions, education, and food.

However, one to three defecations per day are common.

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