Dogs And Children

reading time: 2 minutes calls 1369

Children love dogs and many dogs love children. Dogs can be a great asset in a child’s life. Some dog schools even offer special classes for children with their dog.

However, the real dog owners are always the parents. Even the walks should not be left to the child alone. Even if the own dog is good-natured and listens to the child, it can still happen that other dogs harass the child or the own dog and in this case a child is overstrained. If the dog escapes from the child and does something wrong, there will be trouble with the dog liability insurance. Therefore, an adult should always go for a walk.

Some studies even say that children who live with dogs or cats in the first years of their lives suffer significantly less from allergies later on. It has also been proven that children who share responsibility for an animal are less likely to develop behavioral problems.

If the children are already there and a dog is to be added, it is recommended that the children have grown out of infancy. However, for a child to be able to raise a dog by himself, he should already be about 12 years old. As parents, please observe from time to time how your child interacts with the dog. Many children misunderstand their “power” towards the dog and command it senselessly around or do not give it any more space.

Baby mit Familienhund
Girl cuddling with family dog. © 123RF, Cathy Yeulet

Dog And Baby

In general, of course, a dog can live in a household with a baby or toddler. Announcing offspring is by no means a reason to give up the four-legged friend. Dog and child should just not be left alone together. In addition, the acclimatization to the baby must be as gentle as possible. It can help if the dog is given a piece of clothing or a blanket with the newborn’s scent to sniff before the mother and baby leave the hospital.

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