Jealousy In Cats: What You Should Know

Your cat has been behaving differently lately and you haven’t found the reason yet? In this guide, we tell you more about the topic of jealousy in cats and what causes come into question. It is not always easy to understand the behavior of a cat

They are often seen as aloof loners. But the few scientific studies show that cats build a close relationship with their owners and enjoy the closeness of their humans. Therefore, jealousy can also occur in the animal kingdom.

What Can Be The Causes Of Jealousy In Cats?

Not only we humans know the feeling of jealousy very well. A cat can also develop this phenomenon under certain circumstances. If your cat behaves differently than usual, it can have several reasons. Another pet, a new life partner or a baby can change a cat’s routines and cause unusual behavior.

But probably the most common trigger is the acquisition of a second cat. It gets even worse when the new resident is the center of attention and the older cat no longer gets enough attention. In such situations, your cat’s routine gets out of whack and he needs some time to get used to the new situation.

Tip: You should give your older cat as much attention during this time as before, so that a new cat is not seen as a competitor, but as a playmate. Try to make the new situation as pleasant as possible with joint play sessions, her favorite toys and treats

It’s not just a second conspecific or humans that can cause jealousy in cats. You may sometimes notice your cat laying down on your laptop, attacking your book, or sitting in front of the TV. This behavior does not immediately mean that your cat is jealous of these items. However, it shows you that it wants your attention and does not understand why you “waste” so much time with other things. Petting your cat or playing with it for a short while can work wonders in such situations.

How To Recognize Jealousy In Cats?

Cats are very sensitive pets and their behavior is usually difficult to interpret, which makes recognizing jealous cats quite difficult. Behavior varies greatly depending on character and not every cat is jealous. It depends on what experiences it has had in the past or if it has been kept as a single cat for years.

Quiet and reserved cats usually distance themselves from their caregivers, crawl into the farthest corner and want nothing to do with the new resident. They refuse cuddling units and usually have no desire to play with their humans. It can even come so far that some cats refuse their food and a weight loss becomes noticeable.

The coat, a well-known feature of the reflection of the soul, may also partially fall out. Dealing with calm cats is especially difficult during this time, as they will not come to their masters or mistresses themselves. If you notice that your cat is withdrawing, you should actively try to regain its trust.

Outgoing, active cats will fight for the attention of their humans. They behave aggressively towards the new competitor and try to intimidate him by hissing, scratching or biting. By this way the cat wants to mark its territory and will not let any other fellow cat into its kingdom. This behavior usually occurs when a second cat moves into the home.

When a new person enters the cat’s life, it usually expresses its dislike a little more subliminally. Cats get used to using a litter box very quickly, but if jealousy is involved it is possible to find small poops in the home. Another popular tactic to get rid of the supposed enemy is scratching wallpaper, sofas or other furniture. At this time, your cat will be very creative and show you in different ways that he does not like the new situation.

Important: If your cat shows these symptoms and you cannot see any reason or change for jealousy, it is best to have the behavioral changes examined by a veterinarian. It may be that there is a serious illness behind it.

If you have a jealous cat due to a second conspecific, you will need a lot of patience, affection and training to get her behavior back to the way it used to be. When training, you should be consistent and forbid or allow the same things for both cats.

Prevention Against Jealous Behavior

All cat owners know their cat best and quickly notice when their behavior changes. The cause of the change in behavior is usually found quickly. Especially in relation to new roommates, you should pay attention to the signals early enough so that the jealousy does not become too great. Give your cat a lot of love and affection during this time and try to divide the time fairly between her and the new companion or human.

Reuniting 2 Cats: How Does It Work Best?

One is too long at work, the cat is meanwhile alone in the apartment and with a second conspecific it is guaranteed not to get bored. These thoughts have certainly many mistresses and masters and want to do their cat with a conspecific a favor. Because who would not like to have a cuddle and play partner? But not all cats are enthusiastic about a new resident and react with the familiar jealousy. To make the reunion of two cats particularly successful, pay attention to the following tips:

  • Give your old cat as much attention as the new roommate, in the beginning more attention may even be better: Give your older cat the food first and do not do without the usual strokes.
  • For each cat you should plan times, which belong only to it.
  • Especially important are enough sleeping places, viewing platforms as well as food and drinking bowls.
  • Separate feeding areas can help so that each cat can eat in peace and is not disturbed.
  • If the cats are only in the apartment, at least one litter box should be available for each cat.

Especially in the beginning, even with the above tips, small scuffles and quarrels can occur. This behavior is quite normal and should be ignored at first. In many cases the cats settle among themselves who is the new “boss”. However, if it comes to turf wars and strong aggressive behavior, should be intervened. In this case, it is advisable to put the cats in separate rooms for a while and to ensure that they keep their distance. Once both have calmed down, a new attempt at rapprochement can be started. In both cases, patience of the cat owner is essential, because the cats are guaranteed to take a while to get used to the new situation.

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