Worming In The Cat: Free Your Pet From Parasites!

Worming the cat is quite normal. If she has a belly full of worms, it is not a nice idea. But, unfortunately, it often happens. Cats suffer when they are infested with parasites. And you too can get infected by them if you do nothing. What helps? You have to worm the cat. We tell you how to do it.

Does My Cat Have Worms?

Around cats, there are few things more unpleasant than a worm infestation. The parasites nest in their bodies and prevent them from digesting the good cat food. Sometimes this is harmless. However, depending on the type of worm and the severity of the infestation, it is also possible that the animal will die if left untreated.

Before you can do anything as a cat owner, you must first know what is going on in the first place. But how do you notice a worm infestation in your cat?

Unfortunately, most people have no idea what is going on in the body of their pet. The tricky thing about worms is that you don’t notice them for a long time. The cat does not behave differently. She does not retreat into her cat cave for days and does not appear sick. Often there is nothing to see of the worms either, not even in the feces.

How Do I Know If My Cat Has Worms?

Only when the worm population has grown considerably, it becomes noticeable. Then the cat may suffer from a swollen abdomen, vomiting and diarrhea. It is emaciated, apathetic and suffers from nutrient deficiency. This is noticeable, for example, through dull fur or hair loss. Depending on the type of worm, digestion is intact, but it coughs. There are definitely worms that settle in the lungs and heart.

Symptoms caused by worms are many-sided and do not always let laymen immediately conclude the problem. If you notice that something is wrong with your cat, get the carrier out of the basement and go to the vet. A worm infestation can have serious consequences. Therefore, you need to get rid of the cat with a worming treatment. The treatment should not scare you, because it is uncomplicated, effective and cheap.

In almost all cases it is advisable to have a fecal examination for worm eggs performed in the laboratory beforehand.

Which Worms Occur In Cats?

In Germany, cats are most commonly affected by roundworms, hookworms and tapeworms. These are the same types of worms that are found in dogs. There are many more types of worms.

Where Do Cats Get Worms?

The environment is full of worm eggs. They are everywhere – including on the lawn, in tall grass, and in flowerbeds. The feces of infected animals are full of the tiny eggs, which are invisible to the naked eye. Rain makes the droppings disappear, but the eggs spread everywhere. All your cat has to do is roll around in a place where the eggs are. They stick to the fur and are then licked and swallowed. This is a typical way of infection.

There are other possible ways of infection:

  • In the animal shelter or in the cat boarding facility.
  • By eating mice, birds or snails.
  • By feeding raw meat as it is common with barfing.
  • Through the mother’s milk or the umbilical cord.
  • Via mosquitoes (so far rather rare in Germany).
  • Via infected fleas.

Since there is a risk from badly made barfing, it makes sense to better rely on a high-quality ready-made food.

Can An Indoor-Only Cat Have Worms?

Unfortunately, not only outdoor cats sometimes need worming. Even a cat that never leaves the apartment can theoretically become infected. You yourself leave the apartment and could carry eggs in without realizing it. For example, worm eggs enter the apartment through the soles of your shoes. Or via the jacket on which you have sat on the grass in the park.

With caution and good hygiene, worm infection is less likely in apartment cats than in outdoor cats. However, you should keep in mind that it is possible. Therefore, if your cat shows typical symptoms, take the necessary measures quickly.

Can Cat Worms Be Transmitted To Humans?

Yes, unfortunately you can infect your cat with some types of worms and then need a worming cure yourself soon. A cat with worm infestation scatters worm eggs continuously. They are not only in the feces, but even in the saliva and fur. When licking, nudging or petting, they can pass directly to you.

How Does A Worming Cure Work?

In order to carry out a worming treatment on the cat, you proceed as follows:

  • The veterinarian will give you the dewormer for the cat.
  • Choose between a tablet, a paste or a spot-on.
  • Administer the medication according to the instructions on the package.
  • The medicine works within 24 hours by killing all parasites.
  • The cat will excrete the dead worms with the larvae and the last eggs.
  • Now clean the living area where the cat has been frequenting.
  • Sometimes another treatment is necessary at intervals of a few weeks.

How Does The Dewormer Work On The Cat?

If you perform a deworming treatment on the cat, you can count on an immediate effect. The metabolism of the animal absorbs the active substance. Through the bloodstream, it is distributed throughout the body and optimally meets all the parasites living in it. Many worms feed on the cat’s blood, so they inevitably come into contact with the poison.

The cat dewormer attacks the muscles of the worms and their larvae. This causes them to die promptly, so they are soon excreted and no longer harm the animal.

Do Dewormers Require A Prescription?

In Germany you need a prescription to buy a dewormer for the cat. The veterinarian issues it. Usually you can cash the document directly in the practice.

Can I Deworm My Cat Myself?

Owners usually give the deworming treatment to their cat themselves. If necessary, the practice will of course help you.

How Do I Give My Cat The Worming Treatment?

That depends on whether you have bought a tablet, a paste or a spot-on preparation. Tablet and paste must be eaten by the animal. The spot-on preparation is a small plastic dispenser with a liquid medication in it. You dribble the contents directly onto the cat’s skin on the back of the neck.

How Do I Get A Tablet Into The Cat?

Putting a tablet directly into the cat’s mouth is rarely successful with resistant cats. Hiding it in sausage or mixing it powdered into the food is also of little help. If the cat refuses deworming by tablet, try a spot-on. This method works first time in most cases.

How Long Do Worm Eggs Survive In The Home?

After it is clear that the cat living with in the apartment has worms, many cat owners are confused. They can infect themselves via the worm eggs. In addition, a new infection in the cat is possible. Unfortunately, we have bad news for you: Worm eggs survive for weeks, months or years, depending on the type of worm. Therefore, it is useless to sit out the problem. The eggs must be removed or killed.

How Do I Remove Worm Eggs From The Home?

You just had to deworm the cat? The vacuum cleaner is now your best friend, because it simply sucks up the eggs that are lying everywhere. Go over all the floors, windowsills and furniture thoroughly with the most powerful setting. Note that you have to vacuum everywhere where the cat last stayed. This will help you get rid of a large part of the worm eggs. The floors should also be mopped afterwards.

What Kills Worm Eggs Reliably?

Fortunately, you do not need aggressive chemicals to fight the egg plague. High temperatures harm worm eggs, so you should take advantage of that. The temperature limit that the eggs can no longer tolerate is just above 40 °C. All potentially contaminated blankets, pillows and baskets should be washed at least 60°C in the washing machine. Upholstery and textiles that can not be washed, you go instead with a steam cleaner.

How Often To Worm The Cat?

How often you need to deworm a cat depends on the type of husbandry and whether there is a worm infestation. Outdoor cats need it more often than indoor cats. Veterinarians recommend four wormings a year for cats that go outside. House cats, on the other hand, get by with one to two worming treatments a year.

Some owners make it easy on themselves when it comes to how often they need to deworm the cat and do the deworming every three months. However, it does not make sense to do the cures by appointment. Make sure that you really need to deworm the cat. Instead of constantly buying dewormers for the cat, have fecal tests done at the vet. If the vet finds out that there is no worm infestation, you may also save the deworming for the cat.

A good way to find out how often you have to worm your cat is this page. You will find there an overview, with the help of which you can estimate the individual risk of infection of your protégé. An animal with a high risk should be dewormed more often.

Can Cats Get New Worms Despite Worming?

Yes, you have to think of it like the effect of a headache tablet. You take it and it works reliably for a certain period of time. But after a few hours the effect stops. You can get another headache right away. When you don’t want it anymore, you need the next tablet. It is similar with the worming cure for the cat.

How Long Does The Dewormer For The Cat Last?

The active ingredient in the dewormer for the cat always works only for a period of 24 to 72 hours. After that, the animal can immediately become infected again by swallowing new worm eggs. After about three to six weeks, worms have developed from the swallowed eggs, so that the harmful effect begins again. It may be the same worm species or a different one.

Deworm Cat: Do Kittens (Baby Cats) Already Have Worms, Too?

Since the infection with worms can already take place as an embryo in the womb and as an infant via the mother’s milk, newborn kittens are also affected again and again. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out a worming treatment also in the cat at the youngest age.

How Bad Are Worms In Kittens?

Worms in kittens become life-threatening more quickly than in adult cats. Kittens do not yet have strong defenses, so the parasites affect them after a short time. In addition, worms sometimes cause vomiting and diarrhea, which dehydrates the little cat.

When Do You Have To Worm Cats For The First Time?

The first worming of a cat may be necessary as early as the third or fourth week of life, if the infection has occurred in the womb or through the mother’s milk. Even with kittens, the previous fecal examination is useful so that the dewormer does not unnecessarily burden the cat. There are young cats that grow up worm-free.

How Much Does A Worming Cure For The Cat Cost?

Unfortunately, the worming treatment for the cat is not free. Plan a fixed budget each year for visits to the veterinarian, regular fecal analysis, and any necessary deworming medication. A laboratory analysis of the cat’s feces costs about 20 euros. The dewormer itself you get for five to 15 euros. The price depends on the active ingredient, the type and severity of the infestation and the weight of the cat.

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