A Rat As A Pet Is Not Very Complicated!

"Just a few years ago, a rat as a pet was very undesirable. It was said that they transmit a lot of diseases, are insidious and stink. Who would want to have a rat as a pet?
Fortunately, today we know that these statements are all nonsense. We’ll show you all there is to know about keeping a rat as a pet.

Tips For Keeping

Keeping rats is not very complicated, however, there are still a number of points that need to be considered in order for your rats to feel comfortable.
A rat needs conspecifics!
Since rats are very social animals, they quickly become lonely if you keep them alone in a cage. Like us humans, rats can become depressed and also mentally ill when they feel alone. Therefore, rats should definitely be kept with conspecifics, especially if you can’t take care of your pet 24/7. For even more helpful tips, check out our guide to rats.

The Health Of Your Rat – Watch Out For Warning Signs!

The lifespan of rats is about 2 to 3 years. Especially at the end of their life span, rats often get sick. Very often ear problems, respiratory diseases, and tumors appear. Therefore, pay close attention to behavioral changes in your pet. Snoring can also be a sign of illness.


Often rats are kept in a cage for practical reasons. However, they should be allowed to explore and leave the cage at least once a day. It’s best to set up a corner in the living room where your rats can let off steam. Caution: Colored rats also like to nibble on furniture. So make sure to “rat-proof” your home before letting your rats have their freedom inside.

What Does The Perfect Rat Cage Look Like?

A rat cage should be at least 80 cm (length) x 100 cm (width) x 100 cm (height) for two to four animals and have an additional floor. The larger the better. In a large cage, the rats can behave more species-appropriate.

The rat cage should always be sufficient play and retreat possibilities. However, a running wheel has no place in a rat cage, because rats are not hamsters. Possible consequences for this can be injuries and serious back damage.

Where Should The Rat Cage Be Located?

When it comes to finding a suitable place for your rat cage you should keep the following points in mind.
– Not directly in front of the heater
– Not in a draught
– Protect from sunlight.
Tip: When rats play, it’s not exactly quiet. So if you want to sleep undisturbed at night, it’s better not to put your rat cage in the bedroom.

Buying A Rat As A Pet

To buy a rat, you have many options. Besides pet stores, private breeders also offer rats for sale. However, before buying, you should make sure that the animals are kept in a species-appropriate manner and are healthy. A good alternative is to go to the nearest animal shelter. There are certainly a lot of rats waiting for a loving, new home.

5 Facts About Rat

1) Rats like to cuddle
When you think of a pet in need of cuddling, you mainly have dogs and cats in mind. However, rats are also very cuddly. Rats are very social animals and insist on a regular cuddle from their owner, who they also quickly see as part of their pack.

2) Rats love adventure
While other animals are content to have their basic needs met, rats quickly become bored with the situation. When given the opportunity, they love to explore every nook and cranny in the home.

3) Rats are intelligent
Rats don’t need toys to satisfy their urge for adventure, even with their owner they love to play for their life. For example, you can build a small course out of everyday objects. But also learning tricks challenges and encourages your rats. Rats are very good at remembering their owner’s movements. So after a few training sessions can come out of small tricks a dance.

4) House rats become housebroken
That rats are not supposed to be very clean animals is just a prejudice that stubbornly persists in our society. Believe it or not, in fact the opposite is true. Animals can become housebroken themselves. They already by nature usually use a certain corner in their cage where they do their business.

5) Rats are the ideal pet for working people
Since rats are predominantly crepuscular animals, they usually don’t perk up until their owner gets home from work. However, rats adapt to their owner’s rhythm. So if you’re busily cleaning your apartment at lunchtime, your rats will be active too.

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5 thoughts on “A Rat As A Pet Is Not Very Complicated!”

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  5. Gut wäre zu erwähnen, das Ratten mindestens zu dritt sein müssen, sie sind Gruppentiere.
    Auch ist die Größenangabe des Käfigs viel zu klein: Länge müsste mindestens 100 cm Breite 80 cm und Länge 100 cm betragen. Alles, was kleiner ist, ist nicht artgerecht, größer geht natürlich immer vor allem, wenn man mehr halten will.
    Auch auf das Futter sollte eingegangen werden, tierisches Eiweiß ist wichtig, ich mische Mehlwürmer in das Trockenfutter meiner Damen. 1-2x in der Woche gibt es Joghurt oder Quark mit 1,5 Prozent Fett.
    Ansonsten gibts dazu noch jeden Abend Frischfutter entweder Gurke, Apfel, Banane oder Paprika.
    Wegen dem Stubenrein muss ich leider sagen Jein, Ratten werden nie komplett stubenrein, kann also gerne mal sein, wenn man spiel oder kuschelt das man angekotet oder angepinkelt wird.
    Außerdem Ratten sind wie andere Tiere keine Kuscheltiere, zu sagen sie mögen kuscheln, naja mit dieser Aussage würde ich aufpassen. Bei Ratten sind so viele Charaktere wie auch bei uns Menschen dabei, es gibt welche die mögens (wenn sie Handzahm geworden sind) und manche die haben einfach kein Bock drauf.
    Zum Schluss noch Ratten riechen, Männchen mehr als Weibchen, manche finden es störend und manche nicht.
    Gut wäre es also, wenn man sich Tipps holt, was die Haltung betrifft und nicht einfach Tipps holen beim Zoohandel oder irgendwelchen Internetseiten, meistens zeigen sie eine Absolute falsche Art der Haltung und das ist so verdammt schade. Es wird ständig von Menschen berichtet in einer Rattengruppe in FB das irgendwelche Leute einfach keine Lust mehr hatten, weil ihnen die Artgerechte Haltung zu anstrengend ist oder ein Kind ist Bockig, weil es mit dem Haustier nicht spielen kann. Zum Glück gibt es Leute die diese Tiere dann aufnehmen, aber das sollte nicht die Lösung sein, vor dem Kauf bitte auf eine Artgerechte Haltung achten. Wer kein Bock darauf hat oder nicht das Geld, denn Ratten sind auch teuer, der sollte sich generell keine Haustiere anschaffen.


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