Reptiles Quiz

You think you are the reptile expert? Then test your knowledge here with our reptile quiz ! If you want to learn more about reptiles first, have a look at our page in the Terra section.

Well, how was the test? Are you a real expert on reptiles or do you need to learn a bit more? If you want to learn more about reptiles, then read our articles under Terra.

Reptiles are also called reptiles. They are warm-blooded animals, so their body temperature is very dependent on the temperature of their environment. A very clear characteristic to recognize reptiles is their dry, mucus-less skin consisting of horny scales. This scaled skin protects them from evaporation and allows them to live independently of water.

Did You Know ?

  • There are about 10,793 different species of reptiles.
  • The leopard gecko gets its name from its back pattern.
  • The largest reptile in the world is the saltwater crocodile. It can grow 4.5 to 5 meters long.

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