When The Dog Farts – Recognize Causes, Help And Prevent Correctly

When your dog farts, it’s not only followed by a usually unpleasant cloud of odor. Flatulence can also be extremely unpleasant for your pet. The formation of gas in the intestines can cause abdominal pain. Therefore, if your dog farts, you should get to the bottom of the cause and take appropriate countermeasures.

Mostly It Is Harmless When Dogs Fart

When dogs suddenly start to fart, they have usually eaten something wrong. The hairy four-legged friends love treats and don’t miss a chance to get hold of a delicacy. Most of the time, the digestive problem goes away by itself and the fart literally disappears into thin air. However, if the dog farts a lot or over a longer period of time, you should clarify possible causes

Sometimes a food intolerance is behind the farting of the dog, which you can easily get under control with a change of food. Sometimes, however, there is also a serious illness behind it. If nothing helps, you should take your dog to the vet.

Your Dog Farts A Lot? These Are The Possible Causes

  • Lurching behavior.
  • Food intolerance.
  • Farting in old age.
  • Lack of exercise.
  • Medical causes.

Gulping Behavior

Many dogs gulp down their food without chewing. The large pieces of food that end up in the stomach as a result of gulping are not as easily digested. This can lead to higher gas production and farting in the dog. If your dog gulps, get him an anti-gulping food bowl that portions the food well.

Food Intolerance

If your dog is farting, and especially a lot, there may also be a food intolerance behind it. The good news is that you can usually find out for yourself if it is a food intolerance. To do this, you do an exclusion diet with your dog. For this you leave out all meat and carbohydrate sources one after the other to find out to which food source your dog reacts with farting.

Be sure to choose a dog food without dyes and preservatives, because these ingredients can cause intolerances. You can find more details about this in our food guide.

Food Intolerance Due To Grain In The Food

Does your dog fart a lot? Then grain in the food may be to blame. Too much grain in the food can cause flatulence. The carbohydrates promote a fermentation process in the intestine. Look for a dog food with a high meat content. This is usually more expensive, but can already make a big difference in a farting dog.

Food Intolerance Due To Gluten

Gluten can cause digestive problems not only in humans. However, digestive problems triggered by gluten are often not recognized in dogs. Gluten is contained in grains, which is why you should avoid food containing the following grains for the exclusion diet.

  • Wheat.
  • Rye.
  • Oats.
  • Barley.
  • Green spelt.
  • Spelt.
  • Einkorn.

Dog Farts Because Of Wet Food

Some dogs do not tolerate wet food. Often these are dogs that fart very intensively. If your dog’s fart stinks, you should probably switch to dry food. Because wet food often contains ingredients that are difficult to digest – the dog farts a lot. With the change of food, the problem of the farting dog can often be solved.

Dog Farts Because Of A Food Allergy

If your dog has a food allergy, other health problems are usually added to the farting. Usually these dogs have additional skin problems, itching and other inflammations. If you suspect that your dog suffers from a food allergy, you should definitely clarify this with the vet. But don’t worry, there are special hyper-allergenic dog foods that will quickly alleviate your four-legged friend’s health problems.

Farting In Old Age

Farting in dogs can also be triggered by a lack of exercise. This is because exercise and intestinal activity are closely related. If your dog moves a lot, this promotes the digestive process. If you don’t want to walk around as much yourself, get a new dog throw toy and take your dog to a dog run. You can find the best dog toys here!

Medical Causes

If neither a change in diet nor more exercise helps, you should discuss the pooping problem with your vet. Because there are also some diseases that are manifested by farting, such as

  • Gastrointestinal infections.
  • Gastritis.
  • Malfunction of the pancreas.
  • Parasite infestation.

Your Dog Farts A Lot? These Home Remedies Can Help!

  • Give your dog organic fennel tea instead of drinking water.
  • Mix healing clay from the drugstore into the dog food.
  • Mix half a teaspoon of ground caraway seeds over the food.

When Dogs Fart, These Preventive Measures Help

To prevent flatulence in your dog, you should give him only high-quality dog food to eat. Do the exclusion diet to find out which food ingredients your pet tolerates best. If your dog farts, it is worth getting an anti-gulping bowl. This will prevent your dog from gulping the food down his throat without chewing. This allows the food to be digested better, resulting in less flatulence. Also, regularly deworm your dog to prevent parasite infestation.


What Are The Symptoms When The Dog Farts?

If the farting is noisy, then of course you can immediately recognize that your dog has flatulence. However, if it is silent, you will probably notice flatulence only by the smell. In addition, there may be symptoms such as loss of appetite and abdominal pain, which you can recognize by your pet’s cramped posture.

Is It Dangerous For The Dog To Have Flatulence?

Basically, flatulence in dogs is not a cause for concern. However, if the flatulence continues for a long time, it can promote gastric torsion. This happens especially when not enough gas can escape from the intestine.

If your dog salivates heavily in addition to the flatulence, becomes nervous and assumes the so-called “prayer posture”, you should visit a veterinary clinic as soon as possible. These symptoms indicate that your dog has a twisted stomach.

When Do I Have To Go To The Vet For Flatulence?

If more exercise and a change of food has not brought any relief, you should have the flatulence clarified by a veterinarian. Only the veterinarian can check all possible causes of farting in the dog and find the right one. The vet will probably also examine your dog’s feces and do a complete blood count.

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