Wet Food Or Dry Food – What Is Better For The Dog?

Proper and healthy nutrition is part of your everyday life and just as important is the question of what you should feed your dog. Wet food, dry food or make your own dog food – there are several options to consider.

Dog food – Where The Differences Lie

Buying dog food can quickly turn into stress, because the shelves in pet stores are full of different brands, with wet or dry food, grain-free food and then there is, of course, barfing. The Stiftung Warentest seal of approval can provide information about the quality of a dog food. In general, however, the brands of food available in stores are pretty much on par.

Nevertheless there are better and worse dog food, whereby it depends here above all on the contents materials, also, because each dog is different and your dog finds perhaps exactly the fodder mad, which the dog of the neighbor rejects categorically.
If you buy ready-made dog food, you can be sure that your pelt nose gets a balanced diet. This is often difficult with homemade food, because you have to meticulously calculate nutrients and quantities so that your dog is optimally nourished.

Wet Or Dry Food – Advantages And Disadvantages

When it comes to what goes into the bowl are many dog owners own. Some swear by wet food, which contains a water content of about 75% moisture, others feed only dry food, with a maximum of 11% water.
Both types of food have their advantages and disadvantages, a general statement, which is better or worse, does not exist. With dry food, your dog has to drink more, of course, and there may also be teething problems with it, because it smells less intense. Therefore, there are many so-called “coated” varieties, where the small pieces are coated extra to make the smell more intense.
Because especially the smell of the wet food attracts many dogs magically, but you have to feed more of this than it would be the case with dry food. Because the water takes up a lot of space, but of course does not saturate. Dry food, on the other hand, is concentrated and gets along with small amounts of food.
So you need less of the dry food and at the same time it lasts longer, so you can build up a good stock.
Wet canned food is also preserved, of course, but especially once a can is open, it must be stored in the refrigerator and used up quickly.

Not Every Dog Tolerates Wet Food

As long as your four-legged friend drinks enough, there should be no problems with dry food. This is often different with wet food. Many dogs get digestive problems like diarrhea or flatulence after feeding. Often this is due to the added gelling agent, which the sensitive dog stomach does not tolerate, but also the high water content can lead to such problems.
If your dog has diarrhea after being fed canned food, you should first switch to dry food to make sure that this is the cause of the digestive problems.
On a trial basis, you can try grain-free wet food, because often diarrhea or soft feces is also caused by an intolerance of grain-containing food.

An alternative to wet or dry food is barfing, where you provide your dog exclusively with raw food. Also very healthy, although time-consuming, is to make your own dog food. Here, however, dog owners should inform themselves sufficiently to ensure that the dog receives all vital nutrients. Great tips on how to do this can be found, for example, at Hundekoch Profi.

The Mixture Makes It

Many dog owners tend to a mixture of wet and dry food. Then your dog can enjoy all the benefits of each type and may accept the dry food better if you add some wet food.

This way you can also experiment a little with the different types of food without confusing your furry nose too much. Because whether it should be wet food or dry food is truly a matter of taste – your dog will be sufficiently supplied with both variants.

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52 thoughts on “Wet Food Or Dry Food – What Is Better For The Dog?”

  1. Hallo Maren,
    mein Freund und ich sind beruflich und privat viel unterwegs. Vor der Anschaffung unseres Vierbeiners stand für uns die Ernährungsfrage im Zentrum. Wir wollten vermeiden, ständig halben Dosen Nassfutter entsorgen zu müssen. Wenn wir unterwegs sind oder nur ein halben Tag daheim nutzen wir Trockenfutter.

  2. Seit Kurzem habe ich einen Hund. Es ist das erste Mal, dass ich mein eigenes Tier habe und freue mich total darüber. Zurzeit bin ich auf der Suche nach Tipps zum Thema, um mich um meinen Hund am besten zu kümmern. Das Futter ist auf jeden Fall ein wichtiges Thema und finde deinen Beitrag sehr hilfreich. Danke!

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  9. Ich wusste nicht, dass nicht jeder Hund Nassfutter verträgt. Ich habe vor, mir einen Hund aus dem Tierheim zu adoptieren, habe aber bisher nur wenig Erfahrung mit Hunden. Vielleicht ist es am besten, wenn ich einen Ernährungsberater für Hunde aufsuche und mich da beraten lasse. Denn ich möchte nicht, dass mein Hund durch das Nassfutter Blähungen oder Durchfall bekommt, weil er das Geliermittel nicht verträgt.

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  12. Mit diesem Thema Hundefutter kenne ich mich nur wenig aus. Danke für den Artikel und die Infos mehr darüber. Ich habe auch gelernt, dass nicht jeder Hund Nassfutter verträgt.

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